๐Ÿ“– Every Pull Request has it’s own story to tell

If you’re a developer, you know that every Pull Request has its own story to tell. Whether it’s a bug fix, a new feature, or just a code refactor, each PR has a unique history. And, just like any good story, each PR has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning is when the code is first written and the middle is when the code is reviewed and approved. The end is when the code is merged into the main codebase. But, of course, the story doesn’t end there. The code will continue to live on, long after the PR is closed. It will be used by other developers, and it will continue to evolve over time. That is why it is so important for a Pull Request to be well documented and easy for a future developer to come back to. For The Record automagically summarizes your PRs so future you can easy get the gist of what happened when it was merged.

What does For The Record do?

For The Record publishes a summary on a Pull Request when it is closed. This summary is important because it allows future developers returning to the code in the Pull Request to quickly understand the changes in the PR. Without a summary, the engineer would have to read through the code diff and review the entire PR history to understand the context of the changes. This would take significantly longer and would be much more prone to gaps in knowledge.

For The Record also has all the nifty metrics the team needs about that PR, like how long it was open for, pick up time for code reviewer, and number of revisions made during code review, these help provide more context for the engineer sifting through the PR.

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